There are lots of options and it can be very confusing working out what would be best for you and your gap year. To help sort those jumbled Gap Year ideas start by asking yourself a few questions:
How long have you got?
Not all Gap Years last a year, it could be that you are only available over the summer or you might be taking a gap semester.
What would you like to do and what skills/experience do you want to gain?
The answer to this is likely to fall into one or maybe a mix of these activities. Think about your priorities and what you want to achieve:
- Volunteering
- Paid employment/work experience
- Internship
- Study – learn a new language, gain a TEFL/TESOL teaching qualification or even take a coding course
- Travel
If you have now worked out what you want to do, it could help you narrow down the options for destinations. Take our Gap Year Quiz to find your ideal destination.
What level of support would you like?
You might be happy to go it alone and find your own path or consider joining an organised Gap Year Program with a Gap Year company?
There are different levels of support available if you decide to go with a Gap Year company. Some programs have project leaders who are with you throughout the project, and others, like Africa & Asia Venture (AV), who have a team available for 24/7 in-country support if you need it but do not hold your hand throughout. This gives you the opportunity to gain independence, use your initiative and take on responsibility.
What is your budget?
It is important to plan how you will fund your Gap Year – have you got time to work and earn the money, or do some fundraising?
Set a budget and stick to it.
REMEMBER: Your Gap Year is a chance for you to develop and grow so step out of your comfort zone, do something different and make it count!
If you are ready to start your gap year planning, could Africa & Asia Venture (AV) be right for your gap year? If you want to gain independence and develop your communication skills & initiative, while enjoying new experiences, get in touch.
If you can’t travel overseas and have decided to stay at home on your Gap Year, take a look at some our ideas to make it extra special and even some money! Gap Year at Home
If it’s all still a bit of a blur, why not sign up for a free Gap Year Advice Session with a member of the AV team? Click here and we’ll get something in the diary.