Top 5 Inspirational Gap Year Ideas

With so much choice available for taking a Gap Year, it can be hard to know which option to choose. If you’re stuck for Gap Year ideas, or you have too many, we’ve broken the whole process down into some simple categories. These Gap Year ideas will transport you around the world, helping to inspire you and set you on the right track for finding the Gap Year of your dreams.


Top 5 Inspirational Gap Year ideas - how about bathing in a natural spring in Thailand?

Gap Year Ideas No. 1 – Adventure travel

After a year of having your head in the books, you might be dreaming of an active adventure. Adventure travel is one of the most popular Gap Year ideas as it is a chance to get out of your comfort zone and kick up the adrenaline.

For a Gap Year filled with adventure, consider heading to the Himalayas for hiking or maybe to Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. You can go on a wildlife safari in Kenya or trek across Thailand. Maybe water sports are more your thing and a Gap Year of white water rafting on the Nile in Uganda, scuba diving in Lake Malawi or surfing off the coast of South Africa is exactly what you’re dreaming of.

There is a whole world of options for non-stop excitement. Do some research and book your flights! Just make sure that you use a reputable company for your adventure travel experience to make sure they have all the necessary safety precautions covered, that way you can get on with enjoying every second.

Top 5 Inspirational Gap Years, try climbing in South Africa
Top 5 Inspirational Gap Years, do a Safari in Kenya
Top 5 instirational Gap Years, why not do water rafting down the River Nile in Uganda?

Gap Year Ideas No. 2 – Volunteering

One of the most popular Gap Year ideas is to spend time volunteering and making a difference where it is needed most. There are loads of volunteering options out there so you can find one that suits you. The main appeal for this option is giving something back and experiencing life in a new community.

There are tonnes of programs that allow you to do more than one kind of volunteering. For instance, you could choose to teach English in a school whilst also getting involved in the local community organising sports activities, a choir, or even a local newspaper. The only limit is your imagination and determination so get those Gap Year ideas flowing!

Volunteering is a hugely rewarding experience but it can also be challenging at times. We recommend going with a Gap Year provider that has a program leader in the country where you’ll be based. That way you have someone there to help if you need it and they can introduce you to even more opportunities – it’s a win win!

Top 5 inspirational Gap Years, try doing some Volunteering

Gap Year Ideas No. 3 – Teaching

You might like the idea of teaching on your Gap Year, this is a great option for getting valuable work experience whilst having an awesome time. If you choose a program with more flexibility, you can have a say in which subjects you want to teach. This means you can make it relevant to your interests and even to your future career. It is a great Gap Year idea if you are looking to boost your CV whilst travelling.

Getting to know your fellow teachers is also the perfect way to learn more about the country you are staying in and it is a chance to socialise with locals in a way that many other Gap Year travellers never experience. This is one of the things that makes teaching one of the most awesome Gap Year ideas as it is inspiring, valuable and super sociable.

Top 5 inspirational Gap Years, do something rewarding, why not try Teaching?

Gap Year Ideas No 4 – Live somewhere new

A lot of people think Gap Years are all about travelling but not many people consider moving somewhere completely. In reality, this is one of the best ways to experience a country as you gain so much more insight into the culture and customs, compared to when you are just passing through.

Rather than staying in hostels, you can choose to live as the locals do which is what our Cultural Immersion program is about. That means buying food from the market, chatting with your neighbours over cups of sweet chai, and maybe even collecting water from a well if you are somewhere truly remote. Living in a new place, be it for a month or more, gives you the chance get off the grid and settle into a completely new way of life. It takes a brave person to commit to these kind of Gap Year ideas, but those people who do often get the most out of their time abroad.

Top 5 inspirational Gap Year ideas, try living like a local?
Top 5 inspirational Gap Years, live like a local!

Gap Year Ideas No. 5 – Learning

Admittedly, this is a combination of all our Gap Year ideas. One of the most beneficial things about taking a Gap Year is the chance to learn outside the classroom. That means not only gaining new skills and picking up different languages and but also learning more about the world and your place in it.

A Gap Year can really change your perspective on everyday things that you take for granted. It can give you a huge appreciation for the life you have at home and all the opportunities available to you. At the same time, it also helps you to be more prepared for taking the next step, be it to uni or work, you are guaranteed to see the world differently. Sounds like a great idea to us!

Top 5 inspirational Gap Year ideas, learn a new skill!

Got any Gap Year ideas of your own?

We’d love to hear more about your Gap Year ideas – connect with us on social media and let us know your thoughts!

Find out what you could do on your Gap Year

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