Thank you from Ban Sunpakha School

To    AV  Organization  (Khun  David Graham)

Subject :   Thank  you for  The  Volunteer  Teachers

The  opportunity  that  AV  gave us  regarding the 2 volunteer  teachers  at  Ban Sunpakha  School,  Mae-ai, Chiangmai  Thailand.    It was a wonderful  experience, and made us  even more  sure  that  we would  like  to  pursue further opportunities like this in helping our students .

Over the course  of  the  volunteer  teacher’s  experience , I can  say  that  they (Rebecca Turner from  Africa and Hanah Brown from England) were able to spend many hours with each  student listening to them, and talking with them about their goals and plans for the future. It was incredibly rewarding to be able to help them focus and make plans when so many of them started out without much hope.  Their knowledge has been tremendously helpful  throughout  these  past 3 months.  I truly  appreciate the  confidence   they  showed  in  my school  by  giving  my  students such a great opportunity to learn English.  They are really nice persons and can be a very good  teacher in the future too!

On behalf  of  the  principal, teachers, students  and   the  villagers  in  this  village.  I would like to say Thank you again for the assistance AV have provided us as first time like this. I hope to have this good opportunity again next time by AV consideration to share to us.

Best Regards,

Miss  SupeeSriphoom

Ban Sunpakha  School




Thank you from Ban Sanpakha school

Ban Sanpakha school

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